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Real estate

Cyber attacks pose a real menace to the real estate industry. There has been an increase in the use of digital attacks on big companies as well as business organisations in this sector. Such attacks vary including phishing, email compromised attacks and complete incursion.

Notably, around half of the cyber attacks aim at small enterprises. These enterprises might seem less profitable for hackers but their protection is often weaker and that is why they attract more attention. However, it is disconcerting to note that the typical small company spends an average of less than $500 on network security exposing them to cyber attacks.

The real estate industry is very vulnerable in terms of cybersecurity and hence there needs to be some measures taken to mitigate this. Technology dependence and sensitive data have made this sector an attractive target for cyber attackers. Real estate companies need to invest in good cybersecurity to guard their precious information, assets, and credibility against the ever-increasing possibility of cyberattacks.

Securing Retail: Protecting Against Increasing Cyber Threats.

Cybersecurity Challenges in the real estate sector

1. Data breaches

In this situation such information as financial, private client information and property records and any fraud would be catastrophic. For that reason, they are susceptible to financial crime involving the Internet.

2. Phishing and social engineering attacks

However, most of the cyber criminal’s tools used in breaking into the organisation’s ICT systems including email staff, and social engineering methods bypass the back doors among the company employees. Thus, they must train their staff on superb security routines and better strategies for combating these criminal acts.

3. Ransomware attacks

The attacks are conducted using data encryption services that encrypt state enterprise’s data and then demand payment in the form of ransoms. Additionally, these attacks are expensive and complicated. However, this might turn out to be costly as it will impair business operations thus tarnishing a company’s brand.

The Solution

  • 24/7/365 SOC Monitoring: We have a group of cyber professionals who always watch over your systems to identify and respond to possible incidents in time.
  • MDR Managed Defense and Response: Encompassing all the stages of the incident lifetime for incident response service.
  • Alert Analysis and Contextual Analysis: They examine warning details and surrounding data, providing correct analysis reports and advice on how to handle it successfully.
  • Triage by Security Experts: Through our threat intelligence, as well as library resources, we swiftly gauge threats and prioritise them for us to respond quickly.
  • Guided Remediation and Log Collection: We offer direction on incident resolutions and maintaining records for easy compliance fulfilment.